Essential Oil Blend Exceptional fragrance. Aphrodisiac, sensuous, floral, woody with a sweet rooty nature this Zodiac blend also based on the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy proceedings, feeds the body and nurtures the soul. Featuring the finest of rare and precious oils, like Sandalwood and Jasmine it is designed to "reawaken the libido," which "lies at the heart of coagulation." It is a bargain at any price. There are some fine nuances in this carefully crafted masterpiece. Some of our eastern European clients have compared this to Red Moscow Perfume. Our product is all natural and any similarities are purely coincidental especially since the design was based on NAHA proceedings. Feminine. Essential oils: Sandalwood, Jasmine, and other pure essential oils.
Invite This fantastic fragrance of this aphrodisiac blend is somewhat more appropriate for men. Lovers know that some things are priceless and worth even more than the heavy, sensual sweetness of precious essential oils. But this is a strange and dangerous power. As with all real aphrodisiacs, it is easy to be caught up in the shadow type where passion rules the mind. Masculine. Essential oils: Lotus, Angelica, Vanilla, and other pure essential oils. |